- Abby Rose Designs
- All Through the Night
- Amaryllis Artworks
- Amy Bruecken Designs
- Annalee Waite Designs
- Annie Beez Folk Art
- Ardith Designs
- Artful Offerings
- Artsy Housewife, The
- AuryTM
- Bad Stitch
- Barbara Ana Designs
- Bendy Stitchy
- Bent Creek
- Birds of a Feather
- Blackberry Lane Designs
- Blackberry Rabbit, The
- Blackbird Designs
- Blue Flower, The
- Blue Ribbon Designs
- Blueberry Ridge Design
- Bobbie G. Designs
- Butternut Road
- Calico Confectionery, The
- Calico Crossroads
- Caron Collection, The
- Carriage House Samplings
- Cedar Hill
- Character Creations
- Cherished Stitches
- Cherry Blossoms
- Cherry Hill Stitchery
- Chessie & Me
- City Stitcher, The
- Cobweb Corner Designs
- Cottage Garden Samplings
- Cottage Garden Thread
- Couleur d'Etoile
- Counting Puddles
- Country Cottage Needleworks
- Courtney Collection
- Creative Poppy
- Cross My Heart, Inc
- Cross Stitch and Country Crafts
- Cross Stitch Wonders
- Crossed Wing Collection
- Cross-Eyed Cricket, the
- Cuore e Batticuore
- Curtis Boehringer
- Dancing Needle
- DebBee's Designs
- Debutants
- Designs by Lisa
- Diane Graebner Designs
- Dinky-Dyes Designs
- Dirty Annie's
- Dragon Dreams
- Drawn Thread, The
- Elfin Forrest, The
- Elizabeth's Designs
- Ellen Maurer-Stroh
- Enchanting Lair
- Erica Michaels
- Erin Elizabeth Designs
- Faby Reilly Designs
- Fairy Wool in the Wood
- Faithwurks
- Fanci That
- Fern Ridge Collections
- Filigram
- Finally a Farmgirl
- Finger Work
- Forever In My Heart
- Fox and Rabbit Deisgns
- Foxwood Crossings
- Framecraft
- Friends In Needlework
- From the Heart
- Frony Ritter Designs
- Full Circle Designs
- Gecko Rouge
- Gemstone Designs
- Gentle Art, The
- Glendon Place
- Glissen Gloss
- Green Apple Co.
- Hands Across The Sea Samplers
- Hands On Design
- Happiness is HeartMade
- Haunted Frames
- Heart in Hand
- Heartstring Samplery
- Helen Dailey
- Hello From Liz Mathews
- Heritage Crafts
- Heritage Stitchcraft
- Hillside Samplings
- Hoffman Distributing
- Hollis Designs
- Holly House Designs
- Homespun Collectibles
- Homespun Elegance
- Imaginating
- Indigo Rose
- Ink Circles
- It's Sew Emma Stitchery
- Jan Hicks Creates
- Jardin Prive
- JBW Designs
- Jean Farish Needleworks
- Jeannette Douglas Designs
- Joan Elliott Design
- Joseph's Workshop
- Just Another Button Company
- Just CrossStitch
- Just Nan
- Just Stitching Along
- Kappie Originals
- Kathy Barrick
- Keslyn's
- Kit & Bixby
- Kitty & Me Designs
- Kreinik Manufacturing Co
- Kustom Krafts
- La Broderie
- La-D-Da
- Lavender & Lace
- Lavender Wings
- Leisure Arts
- Les Petites Croix De Lucie
- Lighthearted Little Ones
- Lila's Studio
- Lindy Jane Designs
- Lindy Stitches
- Little Dove Designs
- Little House Needleworks
- Little Robin Designs
- Little Stitch Girl
- Lizzie Kate
- Lola Crow
- Long Dog Samplers
- Lucy Beam
- Luminous Fiber Arts
- Madame Chantilly
- Mani Di Donna
- Mardina
- Maximum Cross Stitch
- Meridian Designs
- Milady's Needle
- Mill Hill
- Mindful Needle, The
- Mirabilia
- Miss Prim
- Modern Folk Embroidery
- Moira Blackburn
- Mojo Stitches
- Monticello Stitches
- Mosey 'N Me
- My Big Toe
- My Heart's Garden
- Mystic Stitch
- Near North Treasures
- Nebby Needle, The
- Need'l Love Company, The
- Needle Bling Designs
- Needle Maid Designs
- Needle Work Press
- Needle's Notion, The
- Needle's Work, The
- Nikyscreations
- Nimue
- Nomis Yarn Co.
- Nora Cross-Stitch
- Nordic Needle, The
- October House
- Pansy Patch Quilts & Stitchery
- Papillon Creations
- Paradise Stitchery
- Peacock & Fig
- Pegasus Originals, Inc.
- Petal Pusher
- Pickle Barrel
- Pineberry Lane
- Pixel Pixie Cross Stitch
- Plum Street Samplers
- Prairie Schooler, The
- Praiseworthy Stitches
- Primitive Hare, The
- Primrose Cottage Stitches
- Proper Stitcher, The
- Puffin & Co.
- Puffin & Company
- Puntini Puntini
- Quaint Rose Needlearts
- Rabbit Valley Studio
- Raise the Roof
- Raspberry Patch
- Rebel Stitcher
- Riverdrift House Needleworks
- Robin Pickens
- Romy's Creations
- Ronnie Rowe Designs
- Rosewood Manor
- Rosie & Me
- Running With Needles & Scissors
- Sam Sarah Design Studio
- Sambrie Stitches Designs
- Sam-Cloth Designs
- Samplerbird Stitchery
- Samplers and Primitives
- Samplers Not Forgotten
- Sandi Phipps
- Sara
- Satsuma Street
- Scarlett House, The
- Scattered Seed Samplers
- Scissor Tail Designs
- Serenita de campagna
- Shakespeare's Peddler
- Shannon Christine Designs
- Shepherd's Bush
- Ship's Manor
- Silver Creek Samplers
- Silver Lining, The
- Simplicity
- Simply Old-Fashioned
- Sister Lou Stitches
- Sisters and Best Friends
- Sparrow & Jacobs Inc
- Springberry Kreek Designs
- Stacy Nash Primitives
- Stitch Crypt, The
- Stitch Dots
- Stitcherhood, The
- Stitches from the Heartland
- Stitching with the Housewives
- Stitchworks, The
- Stitchy Prose
- Stoney Creek
- Sue Hillis
- Sugar Stitches
- Sugarplum Express, The
- Sullivans
- Summer House Stitche Workes
- Sunflower Seed, The
- Susanamm Cross Stitch
- Sweet Wing Studio
- Sweetheart Tree, The
- Tellin Emblem
- Tempting Tangles Designs
- Teresa Kogut
- Thistles
- Threadwork Primitives
- Tiny Modernist
- Tralala
- Twin Peak Primitives
- Twisted Threads
- Under the Garden Moon
- Vickery Collection
- Victoria Sampler, The
- Vintage Bliss
- Waxing Moon Designs
- Weeks Dye Works
- White Willow Stitching
- Wichelt Imports
- With Thy Needle & Thread
- Wooly Ewe, The
- Works By ABC
- Xs and Ohs
- Yarn Tree Designs
- Yasmin's Made With Love
- Zweigart